Thatch Meadow Farm is a very unique place. Parts of it is frozen in time. Other parts are more progessive than what is traditionally acceptable. This is the very last part of an estate on the north shore of Long Island. The buildings still stand and none higher than the clock tower that looks over the land. And this place is very much alive. It is alive with artists and musicians. Spectacular events take place and history is made and remade several times a year. What could devolve into self indulgent hedonism transcends into a celebration of life for not only the community but the greater part of the planet. Festivals of music and art can be frequently found to occur just a few times per year, bringing together friends and family to share in their craft of song, dance, paint and/or fine company. Immediately charmed by the rugged driveway upon the entrance, you are transported from the mundane suburbia that exists all around. You are now trapped by wild and kindred spirits. There is a sense of escape that comforts you. There is about 18 acres to roam and if you're lucky enough to grace this property and live vicariously through the novel of The Great Gatsby, you will surely have appreciated a genuine experience of Long Island.
And the people of this land are as interesting as the property itself. Mostly quiet but energetic, Thatch Meadow Farm bustles to a beat of its own drum. From the roots, to the water, to the hills around, the people of the farm contribute to make the environment what it is. Life here requires a unique personality. It is, after all, a farm and we reap what we sow. The rustic scenery, open spaces and freedom from outside influences is very conducive to this kind of activity. And occasionally, the activities will erupt into a celebration for all to share.
So where is this farm exactly?
121 Harbor Road, St. James, NY 11780
Please understand that this is private party and if you're not invited, just like any other house on your block, please do not pay us any visits. This is not public land and we do not welcome curious tourists or entertain strangers. There are events throughout the year, that if invited, the following map may be useful to you. But again, this is private property so please respect our modest wishes.
A little history…
This land has some pretty amazing history. It may be folklore but I am looking to supply evidence of the truth behind the stories that contribute to the mystique of this place. You probably even heard of some of the stories. Saint James was definitely "Loyalist" territory during the times of the Revolutionary War. Ever hear of the story of the woman who hung laundry out to dry as a means to communicate to Connecticut that the British were coming? She was later discovered as a traitor by the community and hanged (allegedly). That took place on a shore very near to this farm. But she wasn't trying to tell the folks in Connecticut. That is way too far and doesn't make sense. She was trying to warn Smithtown- the shores opposite us in Stony Brook Harbor.
It is also rumored that a boot of a Hessian soldier was found buried and in a stove. It is suggested that the soldier was wounded when stumbling upon this property and then died here. But because the owners were afraid that they'd be accused of killing him in yet another act of treason against England, they decided to burn him in a stove so no evidence could remain. They buried the stove. Years and years later when Lord Bacon (of Bacon Road) purchased the property, the stove was unearthed and a boot was found inside. Inside the boot were the bones of that Hessian soldier. Years and years later when carbon dating could finally confirm the age of the bones, we are only left with stories to corroborate the evidence.
I will not speak about how haunted this farm is. I've got my own story to share. And a few other people of the farm can share theirs. I'd have never believed in supernatural beings and I still don't although I'm now desperately searching for a scientific answer to explain what I had experienced. And when other people's stories match details about people and events without them ever having spoken to one another before, it makes disbelieving that much more difficult.
Here's a good glimpse of the farm circa 1932. The buildings still stand today and not much has changed since. There are a few trees missing today, a lot of overgrowth, and time has worn on the buildings but there is no mistaking the property. This is the Great Gasby of Suffolk County!